Join the Cornell Department of Mathematics, and Tanya and Tim Chartier, for a performance and workshops that bring together math and mime.

Workshop: Anyone can Mime 
Saturday April 20, 10am-12pm

Want to try your hand at mime?  Join Tanya and Tim Chartier, professionally trained by Marcel Marceau, in this engaging, interactive workshop. Learn mime illusions such as the wall, opening a door, and tug of war.  Also, learn techniques taught to the Chartiers in master classes with Marcel Marceau including conventions of character which display emotions such as joy, anger and fear. Soon, you will be making the visible out of the invisible!

Participants should wear comfortable clothing that allows for a range of movement.

Performance: Mime-matics 
Saturday April 20, 2-4pm

Encounter math through the entertaining style of “Mimematics.” Mime performers Tim and Tanya Chartier delve into mathematical concepts such as estimation, tiling, and infinity while creating illusions of an invisible wall, wearing a mask covered with geometric shapes, or pulling on an invisible rope. The Chartiers have trained in master classes with world-renowned mime artist Marcel Marceau and at Le Centre du Silence mime school. Come and enjoy a show seen in Japan, the Netherlands, South Korea, Panama, and throughout the United States. 

Following the performance, audience will be invited to stay for a short Q&A and family-friendly workshop.