The Cherry Arts is proud to announce our 2022-23 performance season! Once again the Cherry is bringing Ithaca area audiences a slate of international, innovative shows you can find nowhere else. Benefit readings from a country in crisis, followed by three works that balance movement and text in beautiful and exciting ways. Please join us!

Sept 30-Oct 9
Three evenings of essential theatre writing from Ukrainian artists. All proceeds to benefit the Ukrainian people. A proud part of the Worldwide Ukranian Play Readings movement. Full schedule at bottom of this page.
Tickets: in-person | live-stream
December 1-11
The pan-Mexican XIPE Theater Collective brings their acclaimed movement-theater production of the play by Xavier Villanova. In ancient Greece, the Acheron River divided our world from the underworld, just as the Río Grande divides our US world from Mexico. A poetic, dramatic meditation on identity, migration, and the idea of “alien” at the Mexico-US border. Trailer here.
Tickets: in-person | live-stream

March 17-26
Our season’s second movement-based work is a world premiere production exploring the heartbreak and humor of the aging process. Created by and starring Cirque du Soleil clown Daniel Passer, in collaboration with Cherry Collective director Beth F. Milles.
Tickets: in-person | live-stream
May 26-June 4
Our final movement-based collaboration of the season. Award-winning Cherry Collective playwright Saviana Stanescu creates a mind-bending text exploring artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and what it means to be human. Choreographer Daniel Gwirtzman creates a physical interpretation of the text that brings heady ideas deep into the human body.
Tickets: in-person | live-stream