Aoise Stratford, Director of Education
Aoise is a playwright, dramaturg, and theatre collaborator. She teaches writing, theatre history, and dramaturgy at the college level, as well as teaching a variety of theatre arts for kids. She has designed and taught numerous workshops for K-12 school-aged children on writing, radio plays, puppetry, character development, theatre games, and more, and has served as a teaching artist in The Hangar Theatre’s fourth-grade theatre program. She has been guest faculty at theatre and writing conferences around the country, working particularly in new play development. She founded and ran her own theatre company in the Bay Area for several years, where she implemented and ran a successful local writers’ short play festival. She has volunteered extensively for the Playwrights Center of San Francisco, The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, and The Dramatists Guild of America, where she served as a Regional Representative and designed and implemented programming for member writers throughout the central New York region. She has also been a certified chaperone and coach for a variety of K-12 programming including 4H, Girl Scouts, and Girls on The Run.
Aoise Stratford She/her
Director of Education