Tompkins Chamber of Commerce Not-for-Profit of the Year!

Baba Yaga

a circus play for the family from the team that created last season’s Cherry hit, Peter and the Wolf!

Feb 21 – Mar 2

Woven from a tapestry of Slavic folktales, using physical theatre, aerial performance, and shadow puppetry, and live music.

The candle is out, and young Vasilisa has to journey to get her family’s light back from the mysterious Baba Yaga. But will Baba help Vasilisa—or will she EAT HER?

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(Shown: Elizabeth Mozer, Jacob White, Dean Robinson, Joshua Sedelmeyer and Erica Steinhagen in George Kaplan by Frédéric Sonntag.)

Cherry Arts Membership

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Special Events

Rent the cherry for your festive occasion or business event and share the magic!