Apr 11–20
World Premiere by Saviana Stanescu
Clara is a Romanian journalism professor who broke up with Bucharest and has been traveling the world for fifteen years. In 2020, she finally scores that Cornell fellowship and arrives in Ithaca — just in time to be quarantined with COVID. But in her empty apartment she is not alone— she lives in the old Treman mansion on Geneva Street. As fever takes over, Clara dreams herself into the true history of the powerful Treman family who made the Mansion their home. The Tremans owned the water company as well as the Ithaca Journal at the moment in 1903 when a devastating waterborne epidemic of Typhoid struck Ithaca. As fever deepens in two different times, the Tremans and Clara wrestle with the politics and ethics of epidemic. The play uncovers a fascinating story of Ithaca’s history, while investigating policy in times of epidemic, public ownership versus private enterprise, and the dreams of the immigrants that make our country what it is.
Show Schedule:
Fri April 11th 7:30pm | Sat April 12th 7:30pm | Sun April 13th 2:00pm
Thurs April 17th 7:30pm | Fri April 18th 7:30pm | Sat April 19th 2:00pm and 7:30pm | Sun April 20th 2:00pm